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My ICBC Tips

As I am often asked by those that know my ICBC battle, I decided to compile some tips to hopefully help. I am by no means an expert in insurance and can’t promise you a favorable outcome, but I will share with you steps we’ve taken, things that we’ve done and put into place.

  1. Get a lawyer right off the bat- this is now tricky to do because of the new No Fault system put into place but I would try or at least get advice from one

  2. Do not sign over your medical rights ( they will try to strong arm you in this and guilt trip you but it’s not necessary or legal) I made that mistake in the beginning and once I had lawyers, things changed and they tried to again push the papers at me to sign once I had settled with them, as there was now the new system- but I still received compensation regardless of their threats

  3. It’s law to get car insurance with ICBC but from experience the coverage is next to none, so we’ve also gone through a third party to hopefully have some sort of coverage just incase ( who knows if this strategy will work and hopefully we never have to find out)

  4. Try not to communicate over the phone and do everything through email- that way you’ve got back up and are able to cover your butt. This also applies to your doctors and health care providers, explain the situation as icbc will try and coerce them and twist words - email or letters only.

  5. Read and re-read their words carefully as there are a lot of “may,” “could,” “if” and so many more empty threats that seem like it’s the end all, until you challenge it and realize what it actually is.

  6. Be ready for the fight. This is going to be a heavy, hard mentally and physically challenging battle. It can chip away at you. If you don’t feel that you or your partner or family can handle the towering stress, then don’t do it.

  7. Get a counselor to talk through the trauma. Accelerated Resolution Therapy has been a game changer for me

  8. Every single thing you need or want or try for your care and treatments and you want/need it covered - you must have a doctor’s note that gives detail as to all the reasoning behind it BEFORE you even begin. Then it has to be approved by your adjuster in order for you to get reimbursed. Again make sure you get it all backed up in an email.

  9. Make sure your doctor isn’t putting on the note “maintenance” - ICBC will use that as an excuse to not cover you - it must be stated as a continued treatment

  10. Try to get someone to be the advocate and communicator with ICBC - I did it for about sixish years and it was too much. You need to focus on your body and getting better, the constant hackling from them, cuts into your healing.

  11. You know the saying, “ keep your enemies close.” Well, get to know the establishment, employee protocols, regulations

  12. Freedom of Information is your best friend. If everything comes back blacked and blotted out, ask and re-ask the questions until it’s all disclosed to you.

  13. Don’t be fooled by a chipper or seemingly “nice” adjuster. It all starts out great like that which is part of their tactic.

  14. Build a team of health professionals that are willing to advocate for you and have your back. Their reports and what they say does help.

  15. This is your life and how you choose to live it, is completely up to you! If you can’t fight them any longer or don’t want to start the battle, it’s okay. There is no winning or losing here, it’s about you and what’s best for you.

  16. Up things to management if they are denying you services or say they can’t do something for whatever reason - Make them have to dig deep and find exact back up on their words in refusing your request, with their exact policy

  17. If they are being unreasonable you can bring your case to the Civil Resolution Tribunal. If your accident is before 2019, you are only eligibile of up to $5,000 so keep that in mind and make sure it's worth your time and effort.

  18. This website is run by a group of BC lawyers trying to fight against the ICBC system and giving victims of ICBC a voice. Check out their site for great information and to hear of others stories


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