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And Take Your Money

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

One of the adjusters told us that I needed to fill out paperwork and get it signed off and approved by my doctor, in order for my medication to be continually refunded. We did all that was requested, but still no reimbursement. We then got told that it had to go to a committee for approval and that they sent my finished paperwork there. But still no approval. I think they thought we'd be tired of pressing the issue as every time we brought up the issue, a new threat to strip me of would happen and more proving and battling went on. She then sent this questionnaire that I was supposed to fill out and send back to her but when we further examined it, there were spelling errors, no official document and it was just written out in her email claiming that it was official business. We pushed and pushed back, and this "out for blood" adjuster eventually got reassigned to someone else due to her endless harassment and unprofessionalism in my case. When we brought forward and carefully questioned the next adjuster about the committee and my reimbursement, we found that there was no such thing as this questionnaire and it was all made up by the previous adjuster. Talk about how frustrating and stressful that is! Their business motto is "Building Trust. Driving Confidence," what a misleading catchphrase and a complete joke. For a corporation such as this, to have such a huge power and influence over your medical care, by average joes that have no medical education behind them, making life altering decisions based off of a power tripped high, it baffles me.

At around this time, I had connected with someone in one of my Facebook groups that had almost a mirrored image of my issues. He gave me a bunch of valuable tips, one that included getting a Physiatrist. A Physiatrist handles your treatment plan, pain management, they do injections and will also advocate for you. My physiotherapist also recommended adding one to my team. I thought that I would pitch it to my doctor, as he didn't seem interested in adding care or helping me further with my forward motion. He seemed more and more frustrated and irritated with me when I'd have an appointment, which amped up my anxiety and made me feel a bit scared to ask for anything more for my health care. I just figured this would be a win-win, but when the time came to ask for a referral to a Physiatrist, he said he'd ask around and get back to me. Time went on and I asked again, but he shut it down. I just didn't understand why he wouldn't allow me added help, especially since he didn't follow through on his end of things many times, the car insurance stuff was adding more heat to his plate and he acted so annoyed with me. I decided since he wasn't willing to go out of his way and put in the referral, that I'd talk to my Functional Medicine Doctor and see if she would be willing, thankfully she said yes, and so the wait was on.

My pharmacist tells me that I'm like family to him, which (ha ha) I don't know is a good thing or bad thing. With all jokes aside, he has been a very big support for me and my family. He will just call me to just check in and see how I am doing or save little printed out clippings of interesting studies that he's come across regarding similar health issues as mine. I feel very fortunate to have him in my court and appreciate his efforts and kindness.

One day I was picking up my medication and he checked in to see how things were going with my newer doctor. I told him things weren't the best but that I was trying to give it time and be hopeful. He told me another one of his clients recently came in and told him how lazy and what a jerk this doctor was. I was trying to keep different parts hidden, as I know he worked hard at helping me find a doctor at a time that I desperately needed one, I just didn't want him to feel bad. But he pried some more and I explained different situations that had happened. My pharmacist was keen on helping me try and find someone else and so a new search and more ideas were put on the table. When I told him about the possible Physiatrist, he perked up and said he knew just the guy that would be perfect for me (it ended up being the exact doctor that I had been referred to). I felt revived hope and was looking forward to what the next chapter in this would look like for me.

While I was trying to figure out a catchy title for this blog post, the chorus of this song popped in my head and I thought it was fitting. Makes me wonder if they've (the car insurance company) got this on repeat as their theme song. Paper Planes by M.I.A


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